Monday, 13 February 2017

information to some computer report

information to some computer report:


The word computer comes from the word “compute” which means to calculate. Hence people usually considered as a computer to be a calculating device that can perform arithmetic and logic operation at a high speed.

          A computer can store, process, and retrieve data whenever we desired. So computer is also called data processor.

Application of computer:
People use computers in many ways.
1.   Word processing
2.   Internet
3.   Desktop publishing
4.   Computer in medicine
5.   Mathematical calculation
6.   In banking
7.   Travels
8.   Defense
9.   E-learning
10. Examination
11. Computer in business
12. Certificate
13. A.T.M
14. Marriage
15. News
16. Government office

Definition of computer:
Computer is an electronic calculating device that accepts data as input process in the C.P.U and gives out the information as output device.











Data: data is a raw material which is a collection of facts, figure, number, alphabets etc.
Information: when data is converted into meaningful format then it is called information.
Note: information can be data but data can’t be information
Input: It is a process in which data can be inter into the computer system.

Output: it is process in which information can be display.