Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Operation Management and the cost simple Methology

Operation Management and the cost

This article aims to discuss how the cost management models both traditional and activity-based, can support operations planning and strategic management in globalized corporations. The article also intends to verify the adequacy and efficacy of the application of the activity-based costing method for planning and controlling globalized operations.  Today there is a great world movement of capitals and productive resources seeking for more favorable locations to attain their corporate goals. These changes are motivated by a competitive logic, in which companies may decide about re-directing capitals, equipment and people all over the world, in their search for new markets and for more economic locations. In this context, companies need to clearly identify their competitive strengths and weaknesses. The information on the profitability of products, processes and trade channels in different countries - and even in inter-countries operations -, are indispensable for the project and for making new businesses feasible. The adequate structuring of the processes and products engineering in globalized manufacturers favors the assessment of production costs in different markets, by means of performance indicators that take into consideration not only economic-financial aspects, but also operational, technological and institutional ones. At present, many works seek to
understand how different cost management models may help companies with their choice for more advantageous corporate actions, thus becoming more profitable and competitive.  The alignment between the companies’ cost management methods and competitive strategies allows obtaining improvements in globalized operations productivity and competitivity.